Transactional Methods

Transactional methods are methods that when executed, will cause some form of change in the system. They can be executed from the Extended Interface, Extended Action, and Extended Target.



The add() method adds an object to another object.

  • The object to be added will be a generic, out-of-the-box version of the object type specified. It cannot make use of any templates in TemplateCategory or Defaults.

  • Optionally, values can be assigned to object properties when adding.




Adds object of objectType to existingObject

<existingObject>.add(<objectType>, <property> := <value1>, ...)

Adds object of objectType to existingObject and fills out properties


The class name of the object to be added (Scorecard, Kpi, FunctionStatus, etc,)

property, value

[Optional] The id of a property and the value to be assigned to it. It is possible to assign values to more than 1 property by separating the property-value pairs with commas


o.137.add(Scorecard)                // Adds a Scorecard to the Organization with id 137
t.6938.add(Kpi)                     // Adds a KPI to the Strategic Objective with id 6938
myObject.add(FunctionStatus)        // Adds a FunctionStatus to the object referenced by the myObject variable

// Adds a Scorecard to Organization 137 and sets it name to Finance Scorecard
t.137.add(Scorecard, name := "Finance Scorecard")

// Adds a KPI to Strategic Objective 6938 and sets its name to Revenue and its responsible to the user with id ahernandez
t.6938.add(Kpi, name := "Revenue", responsible := u.ahernandez)


The change() method changes the properties of an object or list of objects.



<object>.change(<property1> := <value1>)

Changes property1 to the specified value

<object>.change(<property1> := <value1>, <property2> := <value2>, ...)

Changes the properties of object to the specified values

<objectList>.change(<property1> := <value1>)

Changes property1 of the list objects to the specified value

<objectList>.change(<property1> := <value1>, <property2> := <value2>,...)

Changes the properties of the list objects to the specified values

property, value

The id of a property and the value to be assigned to it. It is possible to assign values to more than one property by separating the property-value pairs with commas


// Changes the name of the object to Revenue
t.KP001.change(name := "Revenue")

// Changes the name of the object to Revenue, the description to BLAHBLAH, and the responsible to the admin user
t.KP001.change(name := "Revenue", description := "BLAHBLAH", responsible := u.admin)

* Creates a list of KPIs
* Sets the KPI Type property to Finance and the weight property to 15 for each KPI in the list
myList := LIST(t.KP001, t.KP002, t.KP003)
myList.change(kpiType := "Finance", weight := 15)


The clear() method can be used to clear the values (reset to default) from Object properties, as well as to clear the session and Object variables from InputViews.

InputView Syntax

When chained to an InputView, if the Persistence property of the InputView is set to Session then clear() will clear its session variables. If the Persistence property of the InputView is set to Object then clear() will clear its Object variables. When used un-chained, clear() will clear session variables.




Clears all session variables


Clears the myVar session variable

clear([<myVar1>], [<myVar2>], [<myVar3>], ...)

Clears the specified sessions variables


Clears all the session/Object variables of the first InputView found on myObject


Clears all the session/Object variables of all the InputViews found on myObject


Clears the myVar1 variable of the first InputView found on myObject

<myObject>.inputViews.clear([<myVar1>], [<myVar2>], ...)

Clears the specified variables of all the InputViews found on myObject


The name(s) of the variable(s) to be cleared


clear()                                             // Clears all session variables
clear(memoText)                                     // Clears the memoText session variable

myInputView := t.IP1
myInputView.clear()                                 // Clears all the variables of myInputView

myRisk := t.123456
myRisk.inputView.clear()                            // Clears all the variables of the first InputView found under myRisk
myRisk.inputViews.clear()                           // Clears all the variables of all InputViews found under myRisk

myKpi := t.789
myKpi.inputView.clear(message)                      // Clears the message variable of the first InputView found under myKpi

Object Property Syntax

When used to clear Object properties, including Historical Properties, clear() will reset them to their System default. For most properties, this means they will be empty after clearing. Certain System properties, such as name will be reset to a default value. For example, clearing the name of a Scorecard named “Global Scorecard ABC” would reset the name to “Scorecard”.




Clears the property1 property of myObject

<myObject>.clear(<property1>, [<property2>], ...)

Clears all the specified properties of myObject


The id of the property, or properties, to be cleared


myKpi := t.789
myKpi.clear(description)                            // Clears the description property of myKpi

myRisk := t.123456
myRisk.clear(historicalOwner)                       // Clears the historicalOwner property (historical property) of myRisk


The copy() method copies an existing object to another object or to a list of objects. The destination object must be an acceptable parent for the object being copied. Optionally, values can be assigned to object properties when copying.




Copies object to existingObject

<existingObject>.copy(<object>, <property> := <value1>, ...)

Copies object to existingObject and fills out properties


Copies object to the objects in objectList

<objectList>.copy(<object>, <property> := <value1>, ...)

Copies object to the objects in objectList and fills out properties


The object to be copied.

property, value

[Optional] The id of a property and the value to be assigned to it. It is possible to assign values to more than 1 property by separating the property-value pairs with commas


t.870.copy(t.499)                           // Copies the object with id 499 to the object with id 870
t.870.copy(t.499, id := "MYNEWID")          // Copies the object with id 499 to the object with id 870
                                            // and assigns the ID of the new object a value of MYNEWID

myScorecards := SELECT Scorecard            // Creates a list of Scorecards
myScorecards.copy(t.PERS_FIN)               // Copies the object with id PERS_FIN to all the objects in the list


The delete method deletes an object, or a list of objects.




Deletes the object object


Deletes the objects in the list objectList


t.9683.delete()                                     // Deletes the object with id 9683

myKpis := SELECT Kpi FROM t.EXPIRED_KPIS_FOLDER     // Creates a list of Kpis
myKpis.delete()                                     // Deletes the objects in the list


The error() method can be used to trigger an error and print a message regarding the error. Errors triggered by the error() method will abort the Transactional script, and no changes will be applied.




Causes an error and prints the string


A message to be printed if an error is triggered.


* The script below would loop through all the Model Kpis and append " 2022" to their name.
* However, if a KPI with the name "Revenue" is found, an error will be triggered.
* The error will cause the script to be aborted and no changes will be done.

myKpis := SELECT Kpi

    IF = "Revenue" THEN
        error("Revenue Kpi was found")

    kp.change(name := + " 2022")


The generate() method is chained onto an object, or list of objects, and outputs the Transactional code needed to replicate the object(s). This code includes any descendant objects of the primary object(s).
By default, generate() will not output the code to replicate the ID of the object(s). However, if given an optional true argument, the id property will be included.




The code to create object and any descendant objects


The code to create object and any descendant objects, including their IDs.


The code to create the objects in objectList and any descendants


The code to create the objects in objectList and any descendants, including their IDs.


[Optional] Boolean true value. When true, generated script will include the ID property.


t.123.generate()                                // Code to create object with ID 123 and any descendants of it
t.123.generate(true)                            // Same as above, but will also include the IDs of the objects (id := '123', ...)

myKpis.generate()                               // Code to create all the KPIs in the list, as well as any descendants of it


The move() method moves an object, or list of objects, to a new parent object. The method works similarly to a cut + paste with a few caveats:

  • The destination object must be a valid parent for the object(s) being moved.

  • It is not possible to move between models




Moves object to destinationObject


Moves the objects in objectList to destinationObject


The parent object that the object(s) should be moved to


t.KP001.move(t.KPI_FOLDER)                      // Moves the object with ID KP001 to the parent object with ID KPI_FOLDER

oldKpis := SELECT Kpi WHERE end < BOP           // Selects all KPIs with a lifetime end before the beginning of the current period
oldKpis.move(t.EXPIRED_KPI_FOLDER)              // Moves the KPIs in oldKpis to the parent object with ID EXPIRED_KPI_FOLDER


The moveAfter() method moves an object, or list of objects, after another object. The destination object must be a valid sibling for the object(s) being moved.




Moves object after destinationObject


Moves the objects in objectList after destinationObject


The object that the object(s) will be moved after


t.KP004.moveAfter(t.KP003)                      // Moves object with ID KP004 after the object with ID KP003

myKpis := LIST(t.KP005, t.KP004, t.KP003)
myKpis.moveAfter(t.KP002)                       // Moves all the objects in the list after the object with ID KP002


The moveBefore() method moves an object, or list of objects, before another object. The destination object must be a valid sibling for the object(s) being moved.




Moves object before destinationObject


Moves the objects in objectList before destinationObject


The object that the object(s) will be moved before


t.KP003.moveBefore(t.KP004)                      // Moves object with ID KP003 before the object with ID KP004

myKpis := LIST(t.KP003, t.KP004, t.KP005)
myKpis.moveAfter(t.KP006)                       // Moves all the objects in the list before the object with ID KP006


The notify() method sends a notification to the notification system. The notification includes a subject (required), message body, message type, and recipients. If no recipients are specified as arguments, the notification is addressed to the System Administrator user.




Notification to System Administrator User with subject subject

notify(<subject>, [<body>], [<type>], [<recipients>)]

Notification to recipients with subject subject, message body and message type type


String to be used as subject line for the notification


[Optional] String to be used as the message body for the notification


[Optional] String to be used as the message type for the notification


[Optional] A User, Group, list of Users/Groups, or any combination of the previous that will be the recipients of the notification


notify("My Subject")                                            // Sends notifcation to System Administrator User with subject line "My Subject"

* Sends a notification to User with id "testalot", with subject line "Red KPIs", message body "Your Kpi: 107 Revenue is red!",
* and message type "KPI Update"

notify("Red KPIs", "Your Kpi: " + this.object + " is red!", "KPI Update", u.testalot)

* Sends a notificatiion to all the Users in the group with id "PPM" and User with id "abourdain", with subject line "Project Approval",
* message body "PROJ1000 Optimize Synergies has been approved!", and message type "Projects"

myProject := t.PROJ100
notify("Project Approval", myProject + " has been approved!", "Projects", g.PPM, u.abourdain)


The reset() method resets the overriden properties of a linked object back to their template values. By default it resets all the overriden properties, but it can also reset only the properties provided as arguments to it.




Resets all the overriden properties of the object


Resets the property with id property1 of the object

<object>.reset(<property1>, <property2>, ...)

Resets the properties with id property1, property2


Resets all the overriden properties of the objects in the list


Resets the property with id property1 of the objects in the list

<objectList>.reset(<property1>, <property2>, ...)

Resets the properties with id property1, property2 of the objects in the list

property1, property2

[Optional] The ID of specific properties that should be reset. It is possible to specify multiple properties by separating them with a commma.


t.67203.reset()                         // Resets all the properties of the object with ID 67203
t.67203.reset(name)                     // Resets only the name property of the object with ID 67203

myObjects := SELECT Scorecard
myObjects.reset()                       // Resets all the properties of the objects in the list
myObjects.reset(description)            // Resets the description property of the objects in the list


The sendmail method can be used to send an email to a recipient, or list of recipients. A recipient can be a hardcoded email address, or a User. A list of recipients can be a list of hardcoded email addresses, a list of Users, or a Group (list of Users). The method accepts arguments for subject, body, and recipients.



sendmail(<subject>, <body>, <recipients>)

Sends an email with subject and body to recipients


The subject line of the email


The message body of the email


The recipients of the email


// Sends an email to a hardcoded email address
sendmail("KPI Update", "Please enter your monthly comments for your KPI", "")

// Sends an email to a list of hardcoded email addresses
sendmail("KPI Update", "Please enter your monthly comments for your KPI", list("", ""))

// Sends an email to the Users in the Responsible property of the current object (a Risk)
sendmail("Risk Warning", "Your Risk has entered red territory this month, please add mitigations!", this.object.responsible)

// Sends an email to the measureOwner (custom property) for each KPI with a Red status for the selected context month
redKpis := SELECT Kpi WHERE statusClassfication = RED

    sendemail("Red KPI Notice", "Your KPI is Red", redKpi.measureOwner)

// Sends an email to all the Users in a Group
sendemail("Data entry is read", "Data entry is ready for your department's metrics", g.financeDept)


The start() method can be used to execute runnable objects, such as Event Rules, Transformer Jobs and Transformer Groups. It can start both individual objects, as well as lists of objects.




Starts runnableObject


Starts all the objects in runnableObjectList


t.81037.start()                                                     // Starts the object with id 81037

dailyJobs := SELECT FlowProject WHERE name = "*Daily Load*"
dailyJobs.start()                                                   // Starts all the Transformer Jobs in the dailyJobs list