MISSING is a special value that represents the absence of a value. For example, if the responsible field of a KPI is empty, calling first() on the responsible property would return a value of MISSING.


Extended has a couple of special methods for dealing with MISSING values.


isMissing() is a method that can be chained onto a token expression, and will return true if a value is missing for the expression. It is a shorter equivalent to doing .... = MISSING.


Return Value


True if a value is missing, otherwise false


myKpi := t.KPI005                       // A KPI with no user in the Responsible property
myKpi.responsible.first().isMissing()   // True
myKpi.responsible.first() = MISSING     // True


whenMissing() is a method that can be chained onto a token expression for handling missing values and avoiding some of the ugly warnings they can cause. whenMissing() takes a parameter, and if the expression that it is chained to returns a missing value, the missing value will be replaced by the parameter.


Return Value


Returns arg1 if value is missing, otherwise the value of the expression


myKpi := t.KPI005                                              // A KPI with no user in the Responsible property
myKpi.responsible.first().isMissing()                          // True

myKpi.responsible.first()                                      // Causes a warning related to missing value
myKpi.responsible.first().whenMissing("No Responsible set")    // No Responsible set