

Extended code is executed top-to-bottom, and the result of executing the last line is returned.

2 + 2
3 + 3
4 + 4

The above Extended code would return a value of 8, as that is the result from the last line. The rest of the code is still executed, it is just not included in the return value. If the last line is part of a statement, such as a forEach, then the result of that statement will be returned. This behavior is important to keep in mind to make sure the desired value is returned.


Comments can be used to write messages within code that will be ignored when it is run. They are very useful for documenting code so that others can understand what it does and how it is supposed to run. They are also commonly used to document smaller pieces of code, particularly ones that serve a specific function, or are more complex than others. They can be written using a double forward forward slash //:

// This is a comment using a double slash

It is also possible to write multiline comments using an opening /* paired with a closing */.

* Hello
* The code below is meant to perform some wonderful functions, A, B, and C.
* Make sure you choose a context object prior to running it!


Variables can be used to store a value, such as the result of an expression. When a variable is declared, it is given a name to identify it by. This name can then be used to access the value in the variable.



<variable name> := <value OR expression that returns a value>

Assigns the value to the variable name

Variables must be assigned a value when they are declared. The assignment operator := assigns the value of the righthand side to the variable on the left. Note that this is not the same thing as the equality = operator.


myNum := 5              // Assigns a value of 5 to the variable myNum

myStr := "Hello World"  // Assigns a value of "Hello World" to the variable myStr

total := 1 + 2          // Evaluates the expression and assigns the result (3) to the variable total

After they are assigned, variables can be used in subsequent expressions by referencing their name:

apples := 10
oranges := 15
totalFruits := apples + oranges
totalFruits                         // 25

Variable Scope

The scope of a variable encompasses the entire expression. This means that variables created in statements like IF-THEN-ELSE blocks, will be available outside of the block as well.


var := 10

IF var > 5 THEN
    var2 := "I'M STILL ACCESSIBLE"